‘If you’re a bird, I’m a bird!’

Like a real life ‘Notebook’ story - Jack and Ali.

This session is so significant to me, for a number of reasons. Not just because this couple completely owned it. THEY are the reason these photos are so beautiful. Regardless of the fact that it started raining, they just loved the opportunity to play together. To take time together and really enjoy each other. It was something else…

For me though, it was a beautiful reminder that rules are great, but sometimes, as a creative, you need to step outside the rules…I set my camera settings to what I knew would work, put a plastic bag over the camera, and we just kept shooting - in the rain…


Next time i’m bringing seagull snacks to attract the birds!

Thank you Jack and Ali.

YOU made these photos authentic and emotive, you didn’t hold back, you held each other, took the opportunity and embraced it all!! THAT is why I love these photos! This was an authentic connection and capturing it felt easy.

Ahhhh…it lit my fire!


Alyssa in bloom


The Hammel family